*Fenster schließen*


Accessoire spécialiste - Produit premiere!
Une nouvelle fourche à copeaux en plastique légère (PVC très robuste) avec plusieurs dents plus étroites, un panier, des bords renforcés et réhaussés. Des renforts latèraux élevés pour un curage efficace. Spécialement étudiée pour une parfaite prise de plus petits morceaux. Outil d'écurie pour le ramassage des crottins de chevaux . Sans manche. Importation d'U.S.A. -

Prix: 30,00 Euro de Allemagne plus affranchissement et emballage. Commander via l'émail


Prodotto per cavalli: Forca da scuderia!
Forca da truciolo con rebbi DENTI FINI. La forca è leggera, resistente e non ferisce gli animali. Non stanca l'utilizzatore e non danneggia gli animali. Ideale per maneggi e stalle. Cestello alto per rimuovere il letame con maggiore efficacia. Economica in plastica robusta, rigida e resistente, in polipropilene stabile indistruttubile e estremamente flessibile; è in grado di resistente a forti solecitazioni; gli speciali rebbi appuntiti e angolati consentono di sollebvare il letame con estrema facilitá. Con cestello, senza manico, due dimensioni disponibili. Originale per made in U.S.A. -

Prezzi: 30,00 Euro da Germania, spese fisse di spedizione extra. Compralo via email

descripción española

Es una horca, un instrumento utilizado en el campo.
Horca profesional para virutas y pelotilla de la paja
para recoger estiercol en cuadera
sólida y de gran capacidad
con el special cesta
Material: en Polietileno, muy resistentes, ligero
Dimensión/medidas: menor 30 x 34 cm de ancho (22 dientes), larga/superior 37 x 44 cm de ancho (30 dientes)
hecho en los E.E.U.U.
sin mango !
Precio 30,00 Euro; paquete y franqueo más. Orden /investigación por el email


Professional Stall Fork

The only stall fork designed for use with pelleted and sawdust bedding. Made of strong polycarbonate material to resist breakage

- 22 tines on Junior and 30 Tines on the original Fine-Tines fork as opposed to the competitors 18 tines.
- Closely arranged tines to "get the small stuff".
- Filters out debris 5/16' or larger
- New angled basket to allow more sifting-saving time and labor
- Made of Poly-Blend- resists breakage!
- Great for stall walkers and Miniature horses !

The Fine Tines Picker Fork is the ideal complement to Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding.
Fine Tines has 30 tines, as opposed to 18 on most shavings forks.
Less space between the tines sifts out particles measuring 5/16" or larger, ensuring less bedding is removed and resulting in a cleaner stall.
The angled basket makes picking easier
Larger size accommodates a greater volume of waste.
The sturdy polycarbonate design resists breakage.
Stalls are cleaner, faster!

The fine tines fork is the best way to remove soiled and wet shavings when using Woody Pet Professional Animal Bedding. It comes in both regular and junior models.

reviews from the U.S.

Price: 30,00 Euro plus package & postage. Volume discount on 3 and more items. order easily via email